Lindsey & Markell

June 21, 2025 • Exeter, CA
99 Days To Go!

Lindsey & Markell

June 21, 2025 • Exeter, CA
99 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Sheilah Jones
Sheilah Jones - Maid of Honor
My BEAUFULSIS!!! Of COURSE sis was the easy choice to be my maid of honor. She's the best sis in the whole world and I can't wait to have her standing next to me. Try not to cry looking at the cutest picture of us in the world.
Kinley Schimpf
Kinley Schimpf - Bridesmaid
Kin is the baby of the family who I love so muchy much much. This pic was taken on Easter 9 years ago when she was still just a cute crazy little sis, now she's all grown up and standing with me on my wedding day :')
Isabella Haberman
Isabella Haberman - Bridesmaid
Isabella has been one of my closest friends since we were wee little tikes. She's been a bieber fever havin ride or die since '07 and I'm so excited to have her with me through this amazing journey! Enjoy our awkward phase, Biebs in the back pic from 2013 :))
Kassandra Sanchez
Kassandra Sanchez - Bridesmaid
Kass has been one of my closest friends since high school. We met playing basketball and our friendship has blossomed over the years! She's gone from a teammate to a friend, to a roommate, to a lifer!
Cassi Tejeda
Cassi Tejeda - Bridesmaid (In Loving Memory)
My gator bait, walker bait, video games, Raising Cane's, Walking Dead, Courtney Kendall, PlayStation-loving bestie queen!!! I wish she could be here with us today, but I know she's looking down with a smile on her face and a tear in her eye wondering how Kellz and I got so lucky :) She would have loved him and the boys!!!!!!
Blakelyn "Brother B" Birks
Blakelyn "Brother B" Birks - Best Man
Brother B and I have known each other since Elementary. He was that annoying kid who thought he could beat everyone at everything. We eventually became close after I gave him buckets on the court in middle school (despite the trash talk). Brother B has been there through thick and thin and was the "brother" that I felt I was missing at a young age.
Randey "Yarm Yan" Peterson
Randey "Yarm Yan" Peterson - Groomsman
Yarm and I first crossed paths at Sac State (At first I just saw him as the guy who looked like Adrian Peterson). He always had an UNREAL physique with a horrendous diet which always made me weak. Little did I know he’d become a brother to me. Yarm and I went through the trenches together as teammates and roommates and came out stronger. He's a day one and will forever be my brother.
Richie "Rich Mayn" Aliotti
Richie "Rich Mayn" Aliotti - Groomsman
Rich and I met through PMA (We had met on the court unknowingly). We hit it off right away and never looked back. It’s still up for debate who’s a better defender, but he's one of those guys who’s good at everything he does. What started as competition on the court turned into one of the deepest friendships of my life. He has solidified a special place in my heart and will forever be my brother.
Paris "PMA" Aliotti
Paris "PMA" Aliotti - Groomslady
PMA is a day one. Ironically I met her before I ever knew who Richie was. I knew PMA was a real one the day she had my back despite barely knowing me at the time. From that day forward, I knew she'd be family. We connected at Sac State as walk-on athletes who both ended up with full-ride scholarships. PMA is resilient, driven, and determined to succeed in every aspect. She will always be family.
Fawaz "Wazzy" Ali
Fawaz "Wazzy" Ali - Groomsman
I met Wazzy on the basketball court after Covid in 2021. This man did not and does not understand the concept of a bubble or space. When he spoke he was almost nose to nose with me which was hilarious. When I was at my lowest of lows, he was there and helped pull me out of the gutter. He opened his heart and home to my boys and me. This is just one reason why he holds a special place in my heart and will forever be my brother.